Histórias de amor, contadas com carinho

Love Stories, Told with care

People and wedding photographer

Olá, sou o David


Fotógrafo Documental
DOCUMENTAL Photographer

PT // Um eterno apaixonado por fotografia e por pessoas! Foram estes dois fatores que me foram levando e guiando na minha viagem fotográfica. Procuro sempre registar o que vejo e sinto com a maior genuinidade possivel. Acredito que a fotografia deve registar a vida e interferir o minimo possivel, só assim temos registos que são recortes de uma vida.

EN // An eternal lover of photography and people! It was these two factors that have been leading and guiding me in my photographic journey. I always seek to capture what I see and feel with the utmost authenticity possible. I believe that photography should record life while interfering as little as possible, only then do we have records that are moments of a life.

The best thing about a picture is that it never changes, even when the people in it do.

Andy Warhol

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